I have following two networks that I want to configure them can access each other.
Both gateway and tailscal_*
was running openwrt. What I want to do is I want in client2_1
can ping
. And I was planning to run tailscale on tailscale_*
Openwrt has tailscale package, though it's not up to date, it works fine. Since tailscale requires iptables
to work, but since openwrt 22.0x, openwrt uses nftables instead of iptables, we need to also install iptables-nft
So on each tailscale_*
opkg update
opkg install iptables-nft tailscale
Next, we need to let the other network know what network we want to expose. Since we have seperate network, though the commands are the same, arguments are differnt.
on tailscale_1
tailscale up --advertise-routes= --netfilter-mode=off --accept-routes
on tailscale_2
tailscale up --advertise-routes= --netfilter-mode=off --accept-routes
tells tailscale and other clients know what subnet we want to expose.
was required for openwrt.
tells the tailscale instance know we can access networks that other tailscale clients has exposed for us.
After this command, a url will be provided for us to login, which will grant access for the device to tailscale network. We need to also turn on the advertise routes for each clients in the admin console.
on each tailscale_*
device, we can see a new network interface with a 100.*.*.*
ip was added, in order to grant access from and to tailscale, we need to configure firewall for that interface.
Open openwrt's luci, in network->interfaces, create a new interface:
name: tailscale
protocol: unmanaged
device: tailscale0
Then in network->firewall, create a new firewall:
covered networks: tailscale
allow forward destination: lan
allow forward source: lan
Click apply and save. Don't forget, this is require on both tailscale_*
After configuration applied, tailscale might go offline, when this happens, issue command:
/etc/ini.d/tailscale restart
then it should go back online.
then on each Gateway_*
, we will create route for each other
Open gateway's luci, in network->routing, create a new route:
intearface: lan
route type: unicase
interface: lan
route type: unicast
Save and apply.
Then we should have a giant network with tailscale as the bridge.